公司引用国外先进技术,专业生产制药工业净化区专用不锈钢管道及各种快装和焊接管件。主要特点为无污染、无死角,便于拆卸和清洗,完全符合国家《药品生产质量管理规范》即“GMP”要求。材料采用304或316L,全部为国外进口的卫生级无缝不锈管。所有管道及管件均经电化学或机械抛光处理,内表面粗糙度Ra<0.45-0.28 m以下。密封圈采用食品级硅胶圈。
All members jiuhe are fully aware that the valve is closely related to the sanitary ware and that it is very important to meet the sanitatiom requirement for the whole set of processing equipment. Therefore, each fitting is processed exquisitely and made of SUS304 and SUS316L with mirror polishing (fineness Ra≤0.28um). The surface is processed with mechanical polishing, frosting, matting and other forms. We adopt the international technological standards such as ISO, DIN, IDF and SMS. All series of puoducts meet the pharmaceutical standard of GMP.